Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 2

Day Number 2 - Love is Kind

Look up Ephesians 4:32 in your bible and read it to yourself.

Pray about Ephesians 4:32 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.

Read the following: Love makes you kind. And kindness makes other people like you. When you are kind, people want to be around you. Don't you like to be around kind people? Think about your best friend, is he or she a kind person? They probably are. You wouldn't want to play with them if they weren't kind to you.

Your Challenge: Continue your Love Dare from yesterday where you didn't say anything mean or disrespectful to your parents or brother or sister. Also today, do something nice as a surprise for a family member or a friend. You might draw them a picture, write a note, make them a craft or even do a chore like cleaning your room without being asked. The important thing is that you do something kind as a surprise!

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