Sit down with your young baseball fan and they will get a kick of out this. I remember when I was young trying to memorize the whole thing. Yeah, I know, I was a geek and a baseball lover... in fact, I'm still both of those things!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Love Dare for Elementary Students - Day Number 18
Day Number 18 - Love seeks to understand
Look up Proverbs 3:13 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 3:13 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you understand why your friends or relatives act the way they do? Maybe your mom and dad would like you to always clean your room because their parent always asked them to have their room clean. Maybe your friends aren't allowed to watch a certain t.v. show because their parents don't allow it. You see, we all act certain ways because of the influences on our lives. I'm sure you are exactly the same way.
We should seek to understand those that we love. We should seek to learn as much about them as possible so that we can love them even more.
Your Challenge: Ask your mom or dad if they would be willing to sit down with you today and discuss the following questions with them.
- Steve
Look up Proverbs 3:13 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 3:13 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you understand why your friends or relatives act the way they do? Maybe your mom and dad would like you to always clean your room because their parent always asked them to have their room clean. Maybe your friends aren't allowed to watch a certain t.v. show because their parents don't allow it. You see, we all act certain ways because of the influences on our lives. I'm sure you are exactly the same way.
We should seek to understand those that we love. We should seek to learn as much about them as possible so that we can love them even more.
Your Challenge: Ask your mom or dad if they would be willing to sit down with you today and discuss the following questions with them.
- What is one thing that you ask me to do because you did it when you were growing up?
- Can you explain to me why there are certain movies, t.v. shows, songs or video games that you don't want me to listen to, watch or play?
- What is one thing I could do a better job at?
- Steve
Love Dare for Elementary Students - Day Number 17
Day Number 17 - Love promotes closeness
Look up Proverbs 17:9 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 17:9 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Who's your best friend? Who do you feel the closest to? Maybe your mom or dad? Maybe a brother or sister? Maybe a friend who you enjoy playing with after school? These are the special people in your life. One day, you will have a friend that decides to ask you to pray for them, if they haven't already. Take this very seriously. They are so close to you that they trust that you will pray for them, don't take this lightly.
Your Challenge: Today, ask your closest friend or family member if they have anything that you can pray about for them. Also, if you want them to pray for you, ask for that as well.
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Proverbs 17:9 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 17:9 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Who's your best friend? Who do you feel the closest to? Maybe your mom or dad? Maybe a brother or sister? Maybe a friend who you enjoy playing with after school? These are the special people in your life. One day, you will have a friend that decides to ask you to pray for them, if they haven't already. Take this very seriously. They are so close to you that they trust that you will pray for them, don't take this lightly.
Your Challenge: Today, ask your closest friend or family member if they have anything that you can pray about for them. Also, if you want them to pray for you, ask for that as well.
In Christ,
- Steve
Monday, September 28, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 16
Day Number 16 - Love intercedes
Look up 3 John 2 in your bible.
Pray about 3 John 2 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Throughout this study, we have been teaching you lots of new words. Today, I want to tell you about the word intercede. If you intercede for someone, it means you step up and do something for them. It means you get in the middle of something and help them out. It means you pray for them. In fact, intercede is a related to the word intercession which literally means to pray to God on someones behalf.
Your Challenge: Today, pray for your mom and dad. Pray for their heart. Pray that they do all they can to be the best parents in the world. Love them by praying for them as many times as you can today!
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up 3 John 2 in your bible.
Pray about 3 John 2 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Throughout this study, we have been teaching you lots of new words. Today, I want to tell you about the word intercede. If you intercede for someone, it means you step up and do something for them. It means you get in the middle of something and help them out. It means you pray for them. In fact, intercede is a related to the word intercession which literally means to pray to God on someones behalf.
Your Challenge: Today, pray for your mom and dad. Pray for their heart. Pray that they do all they can to be the best parents in the world. Love them by praying for them as many times as you can today!
In Christ,
- Steve
How would you introduce our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
I love this and wanted to share with everyone. Enjoy!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 15
Day Number 15 - Love is honorable
Look up Ephesians 6:2 in your bible.
Pray about Ephesians 6:2 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: The bible says we should honor our father and mother. To honor them means to respect them, to listen to what they say and to love and care about them. Honor is a word that is very powerful. The hard part is to honor someone when you don't really feel like it. If your parents have been nagging you about cleaning your room, you don't really feel like honoring them do you? That's when love takes over, we honor them because we love them.
Your Challenge: Today, choose a way to show honor and respect to your parents. It may be opening the door for your mom or helping them unload the groceries in the car. It might be helping your dad with chores in the yard. It might be just asking if there is anything at all you can do for them.
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Ephesians 6:2 in your bible.
Pray about Ephesians 6:2 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: The bible says we should honor our father and mother. To honor them means to respect them, to listen to what they say and to love and care about them. Honor is a word that is very powerful. The hard part is to honor someone when you don't really feel like it. If your parents have been nagging you about cleaning your room, you don't really feel like honoring them do you? That's when love takes over, we honor them because we love them.
Your Challenge: Today, choose a way to show honor and respect to your parents. It may be opening the door for your mom or helping them unload the groceries in the car. It might be helping your dad with chores in the yard. It might be just asking if there is anything at all you can do for them.
In Christ,
- Steve
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 14
Day Number 14 - Love takes delight
Look up Ecclisiastes 9:9 in your bible.
Pray about Ecclisiastes 9:9 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: What's your favorite food? Is it pizza? A chocolate bar? Whatever your favorite food is, you take "delight" in eating it. That means that you love it and truly cherish the time while you are eating it. You just want more and more. We should love others in the same way. Maybe you haven't been too nice to a family member or friend lately and they need to be love on a little bit today!
Your Challenge: Today, ask someone from your family or a best friend if they want to spend some time together. Tell them they get to choose what you guys do together. They will cherish the time spent together and love will truly delight in your time together.
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Ecclisiastes 9:9 in your bible.
Pray about Ecclisiastes 9:9 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: What's your favorite food? Is it pizza? A chocolate bar? Whatever your favorite food is, you take "delight" in eating it. That means that you love it and truly cherish the time while you are eating it. You just want more and more. We should love others in the same way. Maybe you haven't been too nice to a family member or friend lately and they need to be love on a little bit today!
Your Challenge: Today, ask someone from your family or a best friend if they want to spend some time together. Tell them they get to choose what you guys do together. They will cherish the time spent together and love will truly delight in your time together.
In Christ,
- Steve
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 13
Day Number 13 - Love fights fair
Look up Mark 3:25 in your bible.
Pray about Mark 3:25 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you remember the last really big argument you got into with someone? I'll bet it had some loud yelling and screaming, pouting, hurtful words and maybe even crying. God does not say that we will not get into arguments, but he does say how we should act when we get into arguments. We should stay calm and be careful not to say something that could really hurt the other person's feelings.
Your Challenge: Today, make a list of 3 rules that you will obey during arguments. They might include things like:
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Mark 3:25 in your bible.
Pray about Mark 3:25 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you remember the last really big argument you got into with someone? I'll bet it had some loud yelling and screaming, pouting, hurtful words and maybe even crying. God does not say that we will not get into arguments, but he does say how we should act when we get into arguments. We should stay calm and be careful not to say something that could really hurt the other person's feelings.
Your Challenge: Today, make a list of 3 rules that you will obey during arguments. They might include things like:
- I will not yell during an argument
- I will not say hurtful or mean things
- I will not cry
- I will try to understand the other person's feelings.
In Christ,
- Steve
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 12
Day Number 12 - Love lets the other one win
Look up Philippians 2:4 in your bible.
Pray about Philippians 2:4 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you always want to win? Do you try your best in school or sports or even just little things around the house? It's good to try your best, but did you realize that sometimes you can win by losing? This is a really hard concept, but sometimes the best thing if you are in an argument with someone is to take a deep breath and let them win, let them be first, let yourself be willing to serve... that's what Jesus Christ did. He put His own life behind all of our lives by dying on the cross for our sins.
Your Challenge: Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to end an argument with someone by saying, "Okay, you win, I am putting your needs or wants first."
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Philippians 2:4 in your bible.
Pray about Philippians 2:4 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you always want to win? Do you try your best in school or sports or even just little things around the house? It's good to try your best, but did you realize that sometimes you can win by losing? This is a really hard concept, but sometimes the best thing if you are in an argument with someone is to take a deep breath and let them win, let them be first, let yourself be willing to serve... that's what Jesus Christ did. He put His own life behind all of our lives by dying on the cross for our sins.
Your Challenge: Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to end an argument with someone by saying, "Okay, you win, I am putting your needs or wants first."
In Christ,
- Steve
Monday, September 21, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 11
Day Number 11 - Love cherishes
Look up Ephesians 5:28 in your bible.
Pray about Ephesians 5:28 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know what it means to cherish something? It means to love it with all your heart. You love it so much that you cannot do without it. In fact, you would do anything at all to keep it. We should cherish our family. After our relationship with God, our family should come next. You should cherish your family, doing anything at all to make them happy.
Your Challenge: What do your parents need today? What about your brother or sister? Do something for that that says, "I cherish and love you!"
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Ephesians 5:28 in your bible.
Pray about Ephesians 5:28 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know what it means to cherish something? It means to love it with all your heart. You love it so much that you cannot do without it. In fact, you would do anything at all to keep it. We should cherish our family. After our relationship with God, our family should come next. You should cherish your family, doing anything at all to make them happy.
Your Challenge: What do your parents need today? What about your brother or sister? Do something for that that says, "I cherish and love you!"
In Christ,
- Steve
Highlights from Cade's 1st Flag Football Game
Cade ran for 2 touchdowns, threw another and caught a 2 point conversion.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 10
Day Number 10 - Love is unconditional
Look up Romans 5:8 in your bible.
Pray about Romans 5:8 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Read the following 2 definitions:
Your Challenge: Do something out of the ordinary today for someone. Maybe you can do the dishes at home. Ask your mom if you can help fold the laundry. Clean your brother or sister's room for them as a surprise. This shows Agape Love... doing something just because you love them, not asking for something in return.
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Romans 5:8 in your bible.
Pray about Romans 5:8 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Read the following 2 definitions:
- Unconditional - Not limited
- Agape - Unconditional Love
Your Challenge: Do something out of the ordinary today for someone. Maybe you can do the dishes at home. Ask your mom if you can help fold the laundry. Clean your brother or sister's room for them as a surprise. This shows Agape Love... doing something just because you love them, not asking for something in return.
In Christ,
- Steve
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 9
Day Number 9 - Love makes good impressions
Look up 1 Peter 5:14 in your bible.
Pray about 1 Peter 5:14 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know what it means to make a good impression? It means that someone really likes you the 1st time they see you. It also means that when you greet someone, do it nicely with a smile on your face. When an adult talks to you, smile, use your manners and speak clearly to them. That will make a good impression!
Your Challenge: When you see your parents, teacher or friends today, make it a point to greet them with a big smile on your face and show God's love through making a good impression!
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up 1 Peter 5:14 in your bible.
Pray about 1 Peter 5:14 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know what it means to make a good impression? It means that someone really likes you the 1st time they see you. It also means that when you greet someone, do it nicely with a smile on your face. When an adult talks to you, smile, use your manners and speak clearly to them. That will make a good impression!
Your Challenge: When you see your parents, teacher or friends today, make it a point to greet them with a big smile on your face and show God's love through making a good impression!
In Christ,
- Steve
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 8
Day Number 8 - Love is not jealous
Look up Solomon 8:6 in your bible.
Pray about Solomon 8:6 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you ever wish that you had a bigger house? What about wishing your mom and dad had a cooler car? Maybe some of your friends have a pool and you don't have one. Or maybe they have some newer video games or a nicer bike and you'd like to have those things. These are all feeling of jealousy and the bible says that true love is not jealous and that Christians should not be jealous of what others have.
Your Challenge: Remember your lists from yesterday? The ones that had good and bad qualities of someone you love? Take the list with the bad things and crumble it up and throw it away!
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up Solomon 8:6 in your bible.
Pray about Solomon 8:6 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you ever wish that you had a bigger house? What about wishing your mom and dad had a cooler car? Maybe some of your friends have a pool and you don't have one. Or maybe they have some newer video games or a nicer bike and you'd like to have those things. These are all feeling of jealousy and the bible says that true love is not jealous and that Christians should not be jealous of what others have.
Your Challenge: Remember your lists from yesterday? The ones that had good and bad qualities of someone you love? Take the list with the bad things and crumble it up and throw it away!
In Christ,
- Steve
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nice article about Erin Bethea's visit to Plant City's First Baptist Church
You can also access her webpage by clicking on the following link: as well as her wikipedia page by clicking here:
Monday, September 14, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 7
Day Number 7 - Love believes the best
Look up 1 Corinthians 13:7 in your bible.
Pray about 1 Corinthians 13:7 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Think about a person that you love a whole bunch. It might be your mom, your dad, a brother or sister, a grandparent, maybe a friend, a teacher. It doesn't matter who they are, think of someone you love very much. Now, think about all the great things about that person. Don't you love to think about all the great thing that person does? Maybe they help you whenever you are in need. Maybe they always hug and kiss you. Maybe they love to spend time with you. But, what about the things about that person you don't like too much? Maybe they are really strict. Maybe they sometimes embarrass you in front of your friends. True love says that you need to spend more time thinking about the good things that person does than the bad. True love says that you need to tell that person how great they are!
Your Challenge: For today, make 2 lists. One list has the good qualities of a person you love very much, the other list has the bad qualities of the same person. Tell that person today one thing from the good list and make them smile. Keep both of these lists sealed in an envelope because you will need them later.
In Christ,
- Steve
Look up 1 Corinthians 13:7 in your bible.
Pray about 1 Corinthians 13:7 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Think about a person that you love a whole bunch. It might be your mom, your dad, a brother or sister, a grandparent, maybe a friend, a teacher. It doesn't matter who they are, think of someone you love very much. Now, think about all the great things about that person. Don't you love to think about all the great thing that person does? Maybe they help you whenever you are in need. Maybe they always hug and kiss you. Maybe they love to spend time with you. But, what about the things about that person you don't like too much? Maybe they are really strict. Maybe they sometimes embarrass you in front of your friends. True love says that you need to spend more time thinking about the good things that person does than the bad. True love says that you need to tell that person how great they are!
Your Challenge: For today, make 2 lists. One list has the good qualities of a person you love very much, the other list has the bad qualities of the same person. Tell that person today one thing from the good list and make them smile. Keep both of these lists sealed in an envelope because you will need them later.
In Christ,
- Steve
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 6
I hope the 1st five days of your Love Dare with your children was great. As a reminder, please subscribe to the blog to receive the daily updates Monday through Friday of each week.
Day Number 6 - Love is not irritable
Look up Proverbs 16:31 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 16:31 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know what it means to be irritable? Very simply, it means to be in a bad mood and let it show to others. Many times, we are irritable towards those that we love the most. People with the love of Jesus in their hearts remain calm at all times and are patient. One major reason that we become irritable is because we are being selfish about something. Remember back to Day Number 3 when we defined how true love says "Yes."
- True Love looks for ways to say "Yes." It means that you are not selfish and you look for a way to say yes to someone else instead of thinking of yourself."
Let Jesus' love shine through and do away with being irritable!
Your Challenge: For today's challenge, make a list that includes any irritable behaviors you have had this past Saturday and Sunday. Maybe you didn't use proper manners with an adult? Or maybe you are holding a grudge against your brother or sister or a friend for something they did to you. Pray about the list and ask God to help you improve in those areas. You may need to apologize to someone on your list. Ask God for the strength to give them a hug and apologize.
In Christ,
- Steve
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 5
Day Number 5 - Love is Not Rude
Look up Proverbs 27:14 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 27:14 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know anyone who has been rude to you? How did it make you feel? Maybe they said something mean or ignored you. Maybe you asked them for help and they didn't help you. Have you ever been rude to someone? There is a good chance that at some point you have been rude to you parents or brother or sister. No one enjoys being around a rude person. Love is the opposite of being rude. Love helps you mind your manners. If you remember any time recently when you had trouble with your manners, maybe you need to love more and try to get rid of all rudeness in your life!
Your Challenge: This may be a tough challenge for you. Today, go to your parents or teachers and ask them to tell you three things that you have done that are rude or disrepectful. Then, promise to pray about those things and work hard to replace rudeness with love.
Look up Proverbs 27:14 in your bible.
Pray about Proverbs 27:14 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Do you know anyone who has been rude to you? How did it make you feel? Maybe they said something mean or ignored you. Maybe you asked them for help and they didn't help you. Have you ever been rude to someone? There is a good chance that at some point you have been rude to you parents or brother or sister. No one enjoys being around a rude person. Love is the opposite of being rude. Love helps you mind your manners. If you remember any time recently when you had trouble with your manners, maybe you need to love more and try to get rid of all rudeness in your life!
Your Challenge: This may be a tough challenge for you. Today, go to your parents or teachers and ask them to tell you three things that you have done that are rude or disrepectful. Then, promise to pray about those things and work hard to replace rudeness with love.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
How to continue receiving the Love Dare for Elementary Age content
As I said the other day, the response to this has been tremendous, overwhelming in fact. So overwhelming that I cannot manage the email distribution list on my own. Here's what I've done to try to make the content easier for everyone to access. Each day I will post the new content to this blog.
If you will simply subscribe to the blog, you will be emailed whenever new content is posted. The subscription button is on the top left hand side of the blog. In addition, you will be able to go back to previous days if you missed any content.
I hope this makes it easier for everyone, if you have any questions, let me know!
In Christ,
- Steve
If you will simply subscribe to the blog, you will be emailed whenever new content is posted. The subscription button is on the top left hand side of the blog. In addition, you will be able to go back to previous days if you missed any content.
I hope this makes it easier for everyone, if you have any questions, let me know!
In Christ,
- Steve
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 4
Day Number 4 - Love is Thoughtful
Look up Psalm 139:17-18 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Psalm 139:17-18 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Thoughtfulness is sort of like not being selfish, but taking it one step further. Thoughtfulness is not being selfish and putting that into action. Being thoughtful is recognizing when someone needs a kind word or help with something. Don't you like it when your mom or dad offers to help you with your homework? How about when you learned to ride a bike? Did someone help you? If so, they were being thoughtful. We all like it when our loved ones are thoughtful towards us.
Your Challenge: The challenge today is very simple, but it will mean a lot to the person who you are thoughtful towards. Simply go up to your parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters, or even a friend and ask them how they are doing and if there is anything you could do for them.
Look up Psalm 139:17-18 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Psalm 139:17-18 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Thoughtfulness is sort of like not being selfish, but taking it one step further. Thoughtfulness is not being selfish and putting that into action. Being thoughtful is recognizing when someone needs a kind word or help with something. Don't you like it when your mom or dad offers to help you with your homework? How about when you learned to ride a bike? Did someone help you? If so, they were being thoughtful. We all like it when our loved ones are thoughtful towards us.
Your Challenge: The challenge today is very simple, but it will mean a lot to the person who you are thoughtful towards. Simply go up to your parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters, or even a friend and ask them how they are doing and if there is anything you could do for them.
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 3
Day Number 3 - Love is not selfish
Look up Romans 12:10 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Romans 12:10 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: True Love looks for ways to say "Yes." What does that mean? It means that you are not selfish and you look for a way to say yes to someone else instead of thinking of yourself. An example might be when your parents ask you get your bath and get ready for bed. You may want to finish watching t.v. first, before taking your bath. That would be selfish of you. If, however, you immediately said "Yes" and got your bath done and pajamas on, you'd be showing love and respect for your parents.
Your Challenge: Continue your Love Dare from the 1st two days where you didn't say anything mean or disrespectful to your parents or brother or sister. In addition, your challenge for today is to say "Yes" even when you really don't want to. Put your parents, grandparents, teachers or maybe your coach before your own needs and follow directions immediately, with a smile on your face.
Look up Romans 12:10 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Romans 12:10 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: True Love looks for ways to say "Yes." What does that mean? It means that you are not selfish and you look for a way to say yes to someone else instead of thinking of yourself. An example might be when your parents ask you get your bath and get ready for bed. You may want to finish watching t.v. first, before taking your bath. That would be selfish of you. If, however, you immediately said "Yes" and got your bath done and pajamas on, you'd be showing love and respect for your parents.
Your Challenge: Continue your Love Dare from the 1st two days where you didn't say anything mean or disrespectful to your parents or brother or sister. In addition, your challenge for today is to say "Yes" even when you really don't want to. Put your parents, grandparents, teachers or maybe your coach before your own needs and follow directions immediately, with a smile on your face.
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 2
Day Number 2 - Love is Kind
Look up Ephesians 4:32 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Ephesians 4:32 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Love makes you kind. And kindness makes other people like you. When you are kind, people want to be around you. Don't you like to be around kind people? Think about your best friend, is he or she a kind person? They probably are. You wouldn't want to play with them if they weren't kind to you.
Your Challenge: Continue your Love Dare from yesterday where you didn't say anything mean or disrespectful to your parents or brother or sister. Also today, do something nice as a surprise for a family member or a friend. You might draw them a picture, write a note, make them a craft or even do a chore like cleaning your room without being asked. The important thing is that you do something kind as a surprise!
Look up Ephesians 4:32 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Ephesians 4:32 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: Love makes you kind. And kindness makes other people like you. When you are kind, people want to be around you. Don't you like to be around kind people? Think about your best friend, is he or she a kind person? They probably are. You wouldn't want to play with them if they weren't kind to you.
Your Challenge: Continue your Love Dare from yesterday where you didn't say anything mean or disrespectful to your parents or brother or sister. Also today, do something nice as a surprise for a family member or a friend. You might draw them a picture, write a note, make them a craft or even do a chore like cleaning your room without being asked. The important thing is that you do something kind as a surprise!
Love Dare For Elementary Students - Day Number 1
Day Number 1 - Love is Patient
Look up Ephesians 4:2 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Ephesians 4:2 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: No one likes to be around an impatient person. It causes us to act in foolish ways. Whenever we are impatient and angry, it simply causes more and more anger. Patience stops anger immediately. If we are patient with each other, then we can't be angry! That's awesome isn't it!
Your Challenge: For today, be patient with each other and your parents. Be so patient that you don't say anything mean or disrespectful to each other or your parents.
Look up Ephesians 4:2 in your bible and read it to yourself.
Pray about Ephesians 4:2 and ask God what he is saying to you through the scripture.
Read the following: No one likes to be around an impatient person. It causes us to act in foolish ways. Whenever we are impatient and angry, it simply causes more and more anger. Patience stops anger immediately. If we are patient with each other, then we can't be angry! That's awesome isn't it!
Your Challenge: For today, be patient with each other and your parents. Be so patient that you don't say anything mean or disrespectful to each other or your parents.
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