Well, last night is a classic example of what happens when you run into good pitching. Dice-K was off enough to keep us thinking we could get to him, but we just couldn't get the timely hits when we needed them. If anyone in the Ray's Organization or the fans thought we were going to waltz into the World Series by sweeping the Red Sox, they were sadly mistaken. This is a good, maybe even great, team we are playing that has won 2 of the past 4 world series. Not too mention the teams just don't like each other that much.
If you read back on my preview for game 1, I suggested that if Dice-K was wild AND we could get to him early, we might pull ahead for the entire game. Well, he was wild, but then clamped down just enough to keep us at bay. Hats off to him, good game.
I thought it was interesting on the ride home after the game how some fans were calling in bashing Maddon for letting Pena and Longoria swing at 3-0. But ya know what, hands down he is the AL Manager of the Year and has been doing things his way all season long. I say he probably knows what he is doing.
My son and I are going to make a poster for tonight entitled... "We Still Have Some Fight In Us!!!" We'll include the following pictures, hopefully it gets you fired up as well!
Click on the pics for a larger size.
Go Rays!
- Steve

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