Monday, April 30, 2007

Mister T Snickers Commercial

The best part is when he throws a snickers bar at the guy...

Evangelist Challenges Atheists to Bible-Less Debate

A prominent Christian best-selling author is asserting that he can prove the existence of God without using the Bible, and has challenged two atheists to a debate.

Ray Comfort, author of God Doesn't Believe in Atheists, alongside fellow Christian and actor Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains) will butt heads with two ardent nonbelievers using only scientific fact in a debate sponsored by ABC. Comfort says that the evidence will “absolutely” confirm that there is a God, and he will not speak about his faith.

Here's the full story.

Tampa Bay People's Hero Awards

You can vote online until tomorrow, May 1st, for this award.

Click here to vote and read the bios of the people up for the award.

St. Louis Cardinals suffer another tragedy

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock was killed Saturday in a car accident. This is the 2nd tragedy in the past few years for the Cardinals. You may remember Darryl Kile who died of a heart attack in 2002. Click here for a link to the story on

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Call of Duty 4 High Definition Trailer

This game looks like it is going to be fantastic all around. It looks to have a modern warfare theme as opposed to WWII. Should be interesting. Haven't found much info as to an exact release date.

Here's the trailer.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ways to grow your Sunday School Class

Sunday School Coffee
Originally uploaded by steveshissler.
If any of you have ever had the coffee maker go down or run out, this pics for you!

Friday, April 27, 2007

unfortunate placement of yahoo ad

An extra 50 points if you can name the stadium?

Sosa hits 2 homers in record 44th ballpark

I have always been a fan of Sosa, especially since his record setting days with the Cubs

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Power of Parishioners -

Most readers will be surprised to learn that the largest international network is not Wal-Mart, (in 14 countries, with 1.8 million employees) or McDonald's (in 119 countries, with 465,000 employees) or even It is the Christian Church.

read more | digg story

What? Schilling's sock may not have had blood on it?

Interesting story about Schilling's bloody sock in the 2004 ALCS.

1st Post - an inspirational video: Jesus Painting

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy this inspirational video.